Cloud Forest

The forest that Tuwaliri tends to; approximately 4,000 feet above sea level.

In mid-summer, the temperature was 71 degrees and there were three different kinds of pine trees in the forest. The forest, located on a hill in the middle of a valley, is mutually cared for by all of the community residents. Tuwaliri and her neighbor share the creek. She intentionally planted a part of the forest with food, and has cultivated the rest for medicinal and herbal plants, wood trees, and fruit trees. The soil here is rich, black. And, the air is cool enough that she can plant strawberries. She chooses to plant cauliflower, cabbage, corn and beans instead. She tells us, “In this area, we don’t have access to enough green, leafy vegetables. I hope to change that.”

Plant Guide for Cloud Forest

Caribbean Women Healers
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