The Healers Project

Decolonizing Knowledge Within Afro-Indigenous Traditions

Mountain Range and Sea

Mery and Johnny shared a variety of gathering grounds through a weekend-long journey from the highlands of Puerto Rico’s Cordillera Central (Central Mountain Range) to its Southeastern coastal areas. Mary and Johnny harvest food and medicinal plants around their home, including potted plants, plants growing in nearby forests, and from beekeeping at home. They also rely on their knowledge of plant, land, and water stewardship throughout Southeastern Puerto Rico, from the mountains to the coast, to collect West African yams, malangas, yautías, guavas, jobos, quenepas, parchas, among other roots and fruits, as well as to fish and trap jaibas, crabs and other sea food. This is traditional ecological, medicinal and food knowledge they have inherited and share across generations with their children and grandchildren by following their seasonal practices and routes for gathering, planting, harvesting, and fishing.

Plant Guide for Mountain Range and Sea